Illuminating Elegance: Lighting Ideas for Custom Closet Systems

Scott Lannon • Jan 19, 2024
Illuminating Elegance: Lighting Ideas for Custom Closet Systems

As an organization professional, I work in a lot of custom closet systems. My team designs and installs a variety of shelves, drawers, and cabinets. One feature that many homeowners forget about when designing a closet system is lighting. The right lighting can elevate your closet’s appearance and make it function better.

If you’re trying to brighten up your custom closet, here are some types of lighting you might consider:

  • LED strip lights
  • Sensor-activated smart lights
  • Adjustable spotlights
  • Overhead lighting

Are you ready to illuminate your storage space? Let’s get started and discuss these options.

Custom Closets System

LED Strip Lights

LED strips can add bright light anywhere in the closet, including under cabinets and along the edges of shelves. You can stick them anywhere you need some extra lighting, which makes it easier to find the clothing and accessories you want. You can even use only the LED strips during the early morning or late evening hours to avoid waking up your partner. 

I've found that one advantage of using LED strips is that they take up very little space, since they lay relatively flat against the surfaces. You can tuck them into corners, and they won’t take up room, which is important in a small closet where every inch of space is at a premium.

Sensor-Activated Smart Lights

Sensor-activated lights are another way to bring modern convenience and bright light to your closet. You can set them up at your closet door, so when the motion of opening the door triggers the sensor, the light will turn on automatically. 

Sensor-activated lights have the benefit of being very energy efficient; when you’re not in the closet, the light will turn off. This eliminates the possibility of leaving the light on all day long when you’re not even in there. It will save you electricity costs as well as the cost of replacing light bulbs too often.

The convenience of not having to use your hands to turn on the light is another advantage. I like to tell my clients to imagine walking into your closet with your arms full of clothing to be put away and not being able to turn the light on. Forget about rummaging around in the dark; if the lights turn on automatically, you will be able to do what you need to do.

Custom Closets System

Adjustable Spotlights

If you have an area in your closet where you store a collection of purses, shoes, or jewelry, you might want to accentuate that area. An adjustable spotlight will allow you to shine light on your belongings – highlighting appealing areas. This is not only functional but also appealing, as the lights become part of the design.

Adjustable spotlights are also great in the darker parts of the closet where it might be difficult to read labels or even distinguish between navy and black or other similar colors. Since you can adjust where the light shines, it’s no problem to use it to take a closer look at the items you’re unsure about.

Overhead Lighting

Overhead lighting is what most of us have in our closets, and not everyone thinks of switching out the fixtures. The possibilities here are endless, and you can choose an overhead light that matches your sense of style. You can find out more about different types of ceiling or overhead lighting from Shades of Light.

If you have a good bit of clearance between the ceiling and your highest shelves, you might consider a chandelier or a pendant light that hangs down. Otherwise, you might choose a fixture that mounts close to the ceiling or even high up on the wall. You can really choose anything that appeals to your preferred decor – from a modern or industrial piece to something more traditional. You might even pick out a unique statement piece.


Choosing the right lighting for your custom closet systems can take some thought, but I have found it’s worth the time and effort. The right lighting can bring a sense of style to your closet as well as brighten up the darker sections, so you can see your items better. Talk to a member of my design team to discuss your ideas, and we can give you some tips for making the most out of your closet with lighting.


Mad Closets and Spaces


Mad Garages and Closets

8 Industrial Way Ste E3, 

Salem, NH 03079


(603) 691-2133


Contact us, and we will come out and discuss your project free of charge.

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